I am a (human) translator and language scientist. My research focus lies in the empirical investigation of language processing and foreign language acquisition. I am also interested in social issues related to gender equality.


I am currently involved in the SPARK research project at the University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer (Germany). SPARK stands for Sichtbare Potentialträgerinnen als Rollen(vor)bilder weiblicher wissenschaftlicher Karrieren and is part of the funding project Innovative Frauen im Focus of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It investigates the scientific and public visibility of women at different stages of the academic career. Its main goal is to promote female visibility and in this way to improve the shaping of female careers in academia. Further information on the goals, objectives, advisors and publications can be found on SPARK-Speyer .


PhD in General and Applied Translation Studies

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Division of English Linguistics and Translation Studies
Advisors: Prof. Hansen-Schirra, Prof. Płużyczka, Prof. Schreiber


Research Funding

Ministry of Education and Research of Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Scholarship Fund of Rheinland-Pfalz
Research project: Glance into Translation Strategies


Training School: Multilvel Modeling in Eye-Tracking and Keystroke-Logging Research

University of Potsdam, Germany
Funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)

Writing Process Research 
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Scholarship of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)


Diploma in Translation, Technical Translation and Foreign Language Didactics

Russian (A), German (B), Italian (C) and the New Greek (D)
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

Long-term studies abroad in Italy, USA and Russian speaking countries



Kloster, Iryna, and Daryna Rahemtulla. “Methoden der Empirischen Translationswissenschaft und ihr Einsatz in der ostslawischen Übersetzungsforschung: Schreiblogging, Blickbewegungsmessung, Neurophysiologische Verfahren” In: Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University (forthcoming)


Kloster, Iryna. Translation Competence and Language Contrast – A Multi-Method Study. Frank & Timme: Berlin. 


Rahemtulla, Daryna, and Iryna Kloster. “Methoden der Empirischen Translationswissenschaft und ihr Einsatz in der ostslawischen Übersetzungsforschung: Beobachtung, Intro- und Retrospektion, Befragung.” In: STUDIA LINGUISTICA – Journal of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiyv. DOI: 10.17721/StudLing2021.19.127-1


Kloster, Iryna. Geschichte der Brille. Verfahren der Herstellung von Brillenfassungen aus Celluloseactat. Terminologiearbeit im Sprachpaar Italienisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-ItalienischDOI: http://doi.org/10.25358/openscience-5550



Participation in conferences and colloquia (speaker and poster sessions): X.prowitec – Symposium Universität Hamburg (2013), Vielfalt mit Methode Universität Graz (2013), 7th EST Congress Universität Mainz (2013), ICTIC Universität Mainz (2019)


For foreign language teaching experience click here. 

August 2021

Lectureship “Specialized Engineering Terminology and Translation German-Russian”
Summer School at the Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany


Teaching Assistant “German Orthography”
Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany


